Dream Interpretation Sozo 

Some of us are vivid dreamers, some of us have repetitive dreams. Often we look to outside sources to help translate and make sense of our dreams, but the truth is that our dreams are God given and come from within. Very often God uses dreams to reveal things to us, He sows into our deep sub-conscious for our brains to work on even when we’re not aware. Like all Sozo ministry, Dream Interpretation Sozo is a facilitated meeting between you the guest, and Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit in which the meaning of a dream is gently unpacked, and the reason for its existence explained.

If you have such a dream use this contact form to get in touch and arrange a Dream Interpretation Sozo session.

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The information you give us is used to administer this ministry. Life Church Bath will only keep this data until you have had your sozo and we have received your feedback. Please see our privacy notice for more information.

For more information on Dream Interpretation Sozo contact Darrell and Anthea Cocup