Bethel Sozo
Bethel Sozo offers the opportunity to spend time with the Godhead. It’s a time for allowing Father God, Holy Spirit and Jesus to highlight any issues that need to be dealt with and to dismantle the lies we believe about ourselves as a result. It’s a time to have wounds healed up, soul ties broken and any generational assignments dealt with. A time of deep forgiveness, once and for all dealing with those who perpetrated those wounds, knowingly or unknowingly… and yourself.
The truth is that no one is exempt from these things. There isn’t one person alive who doesn’t carry baggage from their past and wounds that have led us to believe lies about ourselves and about God, wounds that may have kept us from our calling and our destiny. Bethel Sozo will help you to recognise and overcome those wounds and lies with the direct help of Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
Sozo is simple, fast, Spirit-led and very gentle and honouring and it will help heal your relationship with the Godhead and others.
How does it work?
Each Sozo session lasts roughly 90 minutes and is usually conducted by two team members. Sozo is not counselling but a time of interacting with Father, Son and Holy Spirit for wholeness, healing and hearing the call of God’s destiny plan on your life.
Some people feel that one session is sufficient, others will have several over time as they deal with layers of hurt. If you’re on a Sozo team you’ll have at least one Sozo per annum, rather like a spiritual MoT.
To apply for a Sozo
Visit the Wonderfully Free website and
apply on-line. There are several members on the team who do not attend Life Church Bath, so if you’d prefer a session with someone you do not know just say so on your application. Whilst the majority of sessions are via Zoom, we’re happy to welcome Life Church Bath members to our home in Warminster for face-to-face ministry, if preferred.
Please download and read the attached document on forgiveness here. Then either download the application form in word format here and mail or email back, or visit the Wonderfully Free website and apply on-line.
In addition to Bethel Sozo we also offer Financial Sozo, Sozo for Couples and Dream Interpretation Sozo. Click on the links below for more information. We also offer Sozo sessions by Skype and Zoom. Contact us for more information.
After Sozo coaching
One thing you’ll see on the Sozo application form is the suggestion that you have someone to walk your Sozo out with, to be accountable to as you build the new truths about who you are into your every day. Read more here
For more information on Bethel Sozo Ministry please contact Darrell and Anthea Cocup