The tent, table and temple are three essential spaces we believe healthy disciples of Jesus are called to occupy. Life Church Bath is a people made up of lots of Tents, who meet regularly at the Table and once a week at the Temple.
The Tent symbolizes our individual relationship with the Godhead. Moses had a tent in the desert where anyone could meet face to face with God (Exodus 33). Now, that tent space is available to every believer at all times. It’s where we encounter God regularly for ourselves; the place our body and soul comes into closer communion with God. It’s where we become intimate with the infinite. Where God continues to reveal himself to us and form us into Christ's likeness. In this essential space, there are tools, or you could call them disciplines, we can use to help the tent flourish. One of those Disciplines is fasting.
Fasting is mentioned throughout the scripture. It’s where we starve our physical bodies to renew our appetite for the things of God. Andrew Murray said “prayer is reaching out after the unseen; fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal”. Fasting is costly and uncomfortable yet powerful in sharpening our prayer life, deepening our awareness of our spiritual authority and receiving personal and corporate breakthroughs. In Mathew 6 Jesus says "when you fast..." an important reminder of the criticalness of this spiritual practice to Jesus. Hear more in a recent message on fasting below.
Resources on Fasting
Dates we will be fasting in 2025
Monday 20th January
Monday 17th February
Monday 17th March
Monday 14th April
Monday 19th May
Monday 16th June
Monday 21st July
Monday 18th August
Monday 15th September
Monday 20th October
Monday 17th November
Monday 15th December