Encore is a midweek gathering, held fortnightly, for worship, communion, prayer, encouragement, fellowship, and the word. Please check the calendar for dates. The meeting starts at 11:00am.
Whenever possible we meet in the Forum Coffee House at The Forum and provide a Zoom option for those who are unable to join us in person. All are welcome to arrive early for a cuppa and please feel free to stay afterwards to fellowship over a bring-your-own lunch. Very occasionally we all meet online via Zoom and during the summer we may meet outside
Zoom Details for Encore Online Gatherings
To help us start the meeting promptly at 11:00am we suggest that those joining via Zoom, log in at 10:50am. We use the same details for each Zoom meeting.
Zoom ID: 893 6995 7876, Password: 222222
Zoom Link:
Prophetic Art at Encore
During Encore, some people paint prophetically. Examples of Encore’s prophetic artwork may be found in our gallery.
Contact Us
For more information contact Robin and Sue