Upward Men's Fellowship
Free every other Thursday between 9am and 10am? Interested in fellowship with other men in Life Church Bath?
About 5 years ago Bob Hamer and Mark Lloydbottom started meeting for breakfast. Now there are about 15-20 who regularly attend our meetings. We seek to encourage men to deepen their faith and to be free to share stories and prayer needs.
We have a range of meetings:
We meet online every two weeks. These meetings start with a 20 minute social usually led by Bob. This is followed by breaking of bread and a 10 minute Devotional. This year we are focussing on men of the Bible. Each of us share normally once a year. We then end our meetings with Reflections and Prayer.
Other activities include:
Breakfast – we meet for breakfast once a month at Moorfields Pub, Bath
Our annual Conference – held in May
A couple of walks – the Malvern walk is due in September

To enquire further
contact Mark Lloydbottom
Hear from two of our members:
"I connected with the men’s group in 2020 when ‘lockdown’ was the order of the day. I had found coming to terms with Covid and its impact quite difficult, and meeting up (virtually) with Mark and other Christian men was a great help. I value the orderly organisation of the group, with a clear annual schedule laid out - I try to prioritise being there (whether online, walking, or sharing breakfast) but don’t always make it. There is no condemnation for missing - we all just pick up where we had left things. Everyone is encouraged to contribute each time we meet - there is so much to learn from each other! If you are considering joining the ‘Upward Men’s group’ - whether a Life Church Bath member or not, then do please give it a go!" - Harry Marsland
"I joined Bath City Church in 2019 after many years in my own wilderness. Not long after joining, a chance discussion with Mark Lloydbottom led me to participating in an online group he hosted. I found the group to be welcoming with a mix of men from across the UK. Over the last few years, the group has developed into ‘Upward’ and is more structured. I enjoy this, as I know what I can expect at each meeting although the content, within the structure, is different each time. We always start with an open question to all those present. This may have a Christian basis or may be more general but invariably will prompt some lively discussion within the group. A good icebreaker – if one is needed. Next is Communion, led by a group member, then a talk. A member or a guest speaker will give this. This year the subjects of the members’ talks are passages of scripture and men of the Bible. These talks often prompt those present to follow up by visiting the passages talked about to learn more. A Q &A session follows before the meeting ends in prayer. All this is contained within an hour! The group now includes members from across the globe. The stories and testimonies shared by some of these and the humility demonstrated serve to bring me back to reality if I am ever tempted to complain about my own lot in life." - Dave Woodridge