Generosity is a key value to the Life Church Bath family. We have an amazingly generous Father in heaven who pours out his unrestrained love to us. So when it comes to reflecting His nature, we do it in our words, our actions and our finances.
Our heart is to sow out constantly to further enable the expansion of the Kingdom. We have story after story of needs that have been met from financial provision.
This is your opportunity to partner with us in the extension of the Kingdom from this place. We promise to steward your gifts to the ministry with wisdom and integrity, and we believe that every penny you give is a seed sown into our collective aim of the extension of the glorious kingdom of Jesus.
We pray that the Father in Heaven will bless you in greater measure - you can never out-give God.
Read More here on Tithing, Text Giving, Giving by BACS, The Hardship Fund, and giving to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
If you have any questions regarding giving, please contact Helen, our finance manager.
Online Giving
You can give one-off donations and set up monthly giving using a credit or debit card. The process is straightforward and uses a secure server for transactions. To begin online giving please complete the form below.
Please use the radio button to select either the One-off option or the Monthly option and then type in the amount you wish to give.